You Are Here: Packaging SuppliesShrink Film60 Gauge ExlfimlPlus GPS
60 Gauge ExlfimlPlus GPS
Price: $344.49
Item#: IPG-IK6F2400

24" x 4375' x 60 Gauge GPS Shrink Film, 1 Roll

Unit Size: 1 Roll
Item#: IPG-IK6F2400
Exlfilmplus ® GPS is the latest high performance, crosslinked polyolefin shrink film.

Exlfilmplus ® GPS provides customers superior machinability, clarity
and cost savings through higher yield. Exlfilmplus ® GPS’s unique shrink characteristics make it the ideal choice for both general use and also light force applications for printers, bakeries and such.

Features & Benefits

• Excellent Machinability – seals and shrinks on poorly maintained equipment

• Superior Clarity and Gloss – provides a better presentation for your product

• Minimal Shrink Force – ideal for lightweight, thin packages

• Consistently Strong Seals – maintains a perfect look from the production line to store shelf

• Lower Cost per Package – provides customers material savings when compared to other standard 45 and 60 gauge films

• Crosslinked Technology – provides consistent sealing and shrinking at a broader range of temperatures