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Janitorial Supplies: Keeping Up With Hygine

If you are looking to ensure that your office is always germ-free and perfectly clean, you’ll need a collection of useful janitorial products and equipment.

Janitorial Supplies

Managing your own business requires attention to be paid to a few areas, and one such area which should never be ignored regards your office’s janitorial supplies.

The modern workplace is riddled with germs, whether they cling to keyboards, roam the kitchen sink in the cafeteria or jump from hand to hand, dealing with the hygiene of your place of work is an essential part of running your business.

So make sure that your business is adequately equipped to combat workplace infections by having all of the cleaning products and equipment that you need to maintain a germ-free work environment.

The Importance of Maintaining Workplace Hygiene

With so many people coming and going, sharing the copier and breathing in that circulated, conditioned air, maintaining a clean workplace has never been as important as it is in the modern day office.

Why risk having your staff come into contact with germs, only to have them fall ill, forcing them to take days off while affecting the productivity of your business?

It is far better to lessen the risk of them contracting these illnesses by keeping your offices clean and hygienic.

Do customers come into your offices on a regular occasion? If so, then make a good first impression by ensuring that your place of business is always presentable, and germ-free.

Keeping your offices in a pristine state is easy, however, if you invest in the right janitorial products and equipment.

What Types of Janitorial Supplies should you invest in?

Each department and room in your place of work have their unique hygiene requirements.

That is determined by the type of activities that occur in it, how many people are expected to use those rooms, and how often you choose to clean them.

Hygiene in the Kitchen

The office kitchen is a potential breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Since this is the area where your staff will prepare their meals, you could imagine how quickly the place can become unsightly.

Fortunately, there are scores of janitorial products that you can buy to make keeping the kitchen clean a simple task.

It is essential to have at least one trash can in the kitchen, and a steady supply of trash liners to ensure there is no build-up of disposables in the kitchen.

These trash liners are of particular importance if you opt to have paper plates and cups in your kitchen which need to be thrown out after use.

There should always be ample dish soap, sponges, and cloths to ensure that once your staff has finished preparing their meals they can clean up after themselves without having to scour the office for cleaning supplies.

If you don’t make it easy for them, they might just not clean up.

 Bathroom Supplies

A well-supplied restroom is essential for your office, giving your staff peace of mind and comfort in knowing that their surroundings are clean and that they have everything that they need during their private moments.

Be sure to keep a clean and well-equipped restroom by investing in things like urinal screens, toilet mats, air fresheners, towels or hand dryers, sanitary napkin receptacles, toilet paper and baby changing stations.

As far as hygiene in the bathroom goes, toilet seat cover dispensers, hand soap, and cleaning supplies should always be kept in stock.

General Cleanliness

Ensure that those tasked with keeping your offices clean can do so with the right equipment in their hands.

It is essential to stock multipurpose cleaners, disinfectants, glass cleaning equipment, dish soaps, laundry solutions and bathroom and kitchen cleaning agents.

Besides this, there should always be an excess of scouring pads, sponges, brooms, and mops, as well as utilities like buckets and carriers to make the task of cleaning an easier and more efficient one.

Be sure to keep all of these supplies in an easy to reach and convenient to store in the cupboard, where they can be safely and securely stored for later use.

 Around the Office

One of the biggest carriers of germs in your office are the people who work there.

Consider, how many of your staff members wash their hands on regular occasions?

How many germs do they have stored in their keyboards, who left their grimy grease covered fingers impression on the window?

Taking better control of the spread of germs through your office space requires giving your staff an easy way to take care of their personal hygiene in a convenient manner while still at work.

To do this, you might appreciate the help of hand sanitizers, liquid soaps and dispensers next to sinks, and wet-wipes positioned where your staff can easily reach them.


It is also essential to provide your employees with consumables such as facial tissues that are readily available and placed around the office.

Doing so will make it much easier for them to manage spills and messes or runny noses without making a mess and spreading germs in the process.

Keep plenty of absorbent towels, especially in areas where you can expect spills to occur, and having plenty of boxes of tissues around will help your staff stay comfortable while maintaining workplace hygiene.

Perhaps this has less to do with hygiene than other janitorial supplies, yet it is an essential part of your janitorial equipment nonetheless.

Keeping a fully stocked and regularly inspected first aid kit around the office is necessary for managing cuts and scrapes.

Be sure to keep every item in the first aid kit sterile and safe to use in emergencies, making your business a cleaner and healthier place to work.

If you have been struggling to keep your place of work germ-free and hygienic, or you have overlooked the supplement of any of the above essentials, feel free to give us a call or look at our website today to find out more about the various janitorial supplies that we have on offer.

Let us help you make the workplace a germ free, pristine place to be.


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